This is a posting about the behind the scenes of my postings. A showing of the process of how it goes from idea to website.
Like most people, I tend to get most of my ideas while I am in the bathroom. However, unlike most, mine don't come to me while I am on the toilet, but rather while I am taking a shower. I will be scrubbing up and out of the ether an idea will pop into my head. I'll mentally play with it while I do my daily prep, and by the time I get to work (or where I was planning on going) I will have a solid basic idea and a rough idea of a title, which leads to the next step:
During some spare time, I will write down subject titles on a Post it pad like this. I usually have several spinning in my head, so I write them all down and then work with them to get the best effect for a title. (I personally like to have mine play off titles of songs or movies.) When I have a couple I really like, I start the next part- writing.
As you can see, I prefer to use a standard yellow college ruled tablet and fountain pen. The fountain pen is mainly to make me concentrate on the physical act of writing, since they can be VERY unforgiving should I make a mistake. I get the idea turned into a good approximation of the post I had in my head and then get prepared for digital conversion.
When I get home, I fire up Office and get to typing. It's here I do most of my major reworking, adding better changes, eliminating others. When I finish, I run a spell check on it (making sure to add appropriate lingo to the dictionary- or as I call it 'Chikenese.') save it, then walk away from it for a day or two. THIS is the most important part of everything. This clears my mind of what I have been doing with the post, so when I go back to it later, I will see it with fresh eyes. I do a final edit then, and if I like it, I start the final part to this process.
I go to my blog site and get it ready for a new post. I copy my posting from Office and paste on the site. I do a final check for spelling and spacing, and if satisfied, I post; another one done.
Right now you might be asking why did I post this? I know this is probably as fascinating as watching paint dry, but as always there is a method to my madness. You see, I have written FAR more blogs than I have posted... almost double the amount, in fact. If throughout the process something just doesn't work for me, I end up round filing it. Sometimes I try to power through, but then I end up with a post like my Avatar review. So in order to avoid that, I force myself to take time and follow the steps I set out for it. Hopefully it shows in the final product. (Although I still need to not go on quite so many tangents...)