Monday, April 11, 2011

It's CHIKENESE, NOT Chickenese!

"I have no involvement with the goat!"  (Or variation thereof):  A phrase I say when someone calls my name, with the intent of throwing them off guard.

I love a twisted sense of humor.  And the origin of this is as twisted as it gets.

Back around 15 years ago, I was part of the overnight stocking crew at the local Target.  I would be in the back, restocking the shelves from the night's deliveries.  While doing this, I would be in my own little world, listening to the radio to make the time pass faster.  I mostly listened to talk radio, as it could get quite hilarious; and the king of the shows was Loveline, hosted by Dr. Drew and Adam Corolla.  If you have never heard it, these two would answer health related questions, sometimes with special guests.  While real advice was given, snarkiness was the general rule of law.  Most of the callers were teens and 20 year olds, and sometimes their unrepentant stupidity would cause Adam to go off on them.  You can see why I liked it.

This phrase's genesis came from an episode that featured Jimmy Kimmel as the guest.  As can be expected by having all three of these guys together, this episode was funnier than usual, prompting strange looks from my coworkers from my constant guffawing.  But the hilarity of the entire show was just a run up to the final question.

The final caller was a young man from the south, and with his heavy southern drawl, you mind already started to suspect the worst stereotypes of southerners.  And his question did NOT help:

He asked if he could catch a disease from fucking a goat.

And it got better.  Turns out it was his brother's pet MALE goat.  As you can guess Adam and Jimmy were having a field day with this, and even Dr. Drew kind of lost it during this.  I was laughing so hard during this, I nearly peed my pants.  In fact, when Jimmy commented that fucking a creature that ate metal and tin cans in the ass was like 'sticking your dick in a Cuisenart' I might just have.  This was one of the most hilarious things I have ever listened to.

And now it's a joke I use.  I am nothing if not the pinnacle of class...


I have left ticketing.

I have worked the counter for nearly four years now and decided that, for now, it was enough. I voluntarily took a pay cut to go back to the evening red cap job.

When I originally switched jobs it was because the new position paid more per hour, as well as being mornings, which was good seeing as I was going to be married and needed the money to get a larger house for 4 people.  (Myself, my then fiancĂ©, and her two daughters.)  Well, we all know how well THAT worked out, but still I stayed there, still saving to buy (a now smaller) house. 

But the job does things to you.  And the constant wearing on me by the demands of the job was turning me into someone I did not like.  I was losing my love for the job, and was letting the standards I had set for myself slip.  I feel if I stayed, I would have ended up doing something very foolish that could harm my career.

So I went back.

The opportunity arose where I could go back to the position I started at, the position I loved, so I took it.  Some may think I am a quitter and others a fool for doing this, but what good is a job if you don't like it and want to do it?  Going back to this position gives me not only the interaction with people I like, but more exercise and sense of satisfaction to boot.  There are other factors that lead this to a plus in my book, but I don't need to go into them here.

I have to think long term on this.  The position I ultimately crave will not become available for years, so I took what I perceive to be the next best thing.  Time will tell if I did right.

I think I did.