Monday, February 19, 2018

My proposal to deter mass shootings

I have been quiet on this subject for some time, since I feel in general that there are too many voices reacting that my suggestions would get lost in the swell.  But I have to put this out there, for if no better reason to show that I HAVE been pondering it far too long and need to let my ideas on this free.  SO without further ado...

I am of the belief that there is no one solution to tackling this problem. Rather, it is a combination of several to benefit the whole. The problem is my solution is guaranteed to have people rioting because they think it will be the end of all our freedoms and the beginning of the destruction of our freedom, which is what overreacting extremists like to cry as their excuse for not doing anything.

The five parts of my solution are this:

1. Ban (if possible) or at least regulate semi automatic firearms to the same standards of handguns (21 min age, min 1 week between purchase and receiving, background check,)

As former military, I understand and respect the Constitution and Amendments. But I am also a person who believes that people need to show some common sense. Just because there is such a thing in the world called the Heart Attack Burger DOESN'T mean I should eat it because it is there. Same with automatic weapons. Let's show a bit of restraint, hence this.

2. Make a national database of firearms that all law enforcement agencies can use to track weaponry used in crimes.

Yes, I KNOW what people would say about this, but only the truly paranoid would fear them coming to get you for your collection utilizing this. We have systems that can track an automobile's history, so why not create a similar system? There can be laws also put in place to protect rights in regards to this.

3. When getting a CWP or purchasing a firearm that has the waiting period, you must submit to psyche evaluation performed by and actual medical professional.

The plan originally put in place by the Obama team was half baked at best. Set a standard that is fair, but just and can be universally applied. Look to the standards our military and law enforcement have to live up to and work on that. And if a person gets disqualified from purchasing a firearm due to a mental issue, offer help to them instead of just tossing them out. Yes, it costs money, but it's better for society's health to bring us all up in quality than to shun and create more problems.

4. We need to hold our law enforcement agencies to a higher standard. Make the more accountable if they let something 'through the cracks'.

Too often when these events happen we find out that before the incident happened that one or more agencies had been informed of the possibility of such an incident, but for one reason or another didn't follow up on it. We need to treat these incidents like we now treat terrorism threats. Yes, again it costs more time and money, but I think citizens won't have a big problem if they see their taxes going to these kind of endeavors.

And the most important, and most likely most hated:

5. Whenever an event like this happens, all media is forbidden from revealing the name and identity of the perpetrator. Instead they will be designated a number and a generic image and there will be no background info of them revealed. They are officially 'personae non grata' and will never be known by their real identity.

Answer me a question: Ever since Columbine, what has been the biggest change in the world? When I was in high school, you could make gun racks and hunting knives in metal shop. This was not only allowed, but encouraged. Kids had hunting rifles in their vehicles and there was rarely, if ever a school shooting. No, the biggest change is that we now live in a world where news is nonstop and social media is everywhere. And anyone can be a celebrity. And if you can't be famous, how about infamous?

The media, despite claiming to want an end to this problem, do everything they can to glamorize it. Days nonstop are spent slavishly poring over the history of the offender, giving everybody every minute detail of them, ensuring their immortality. The media just wants their piece of the fame pie, and will claim freedom of the press when confronted about this. But we know that the First Amendment is not absolute, and I feel that this should be one of those incidents where it is necessary.

The perp will know they will be forgotten. They won't live on. They will be less than nothing that people will not talk about. There will be no reason to go out in a blaze of glory, as there will be no glory. It would be difficult for society to adhere to this, but for the sake of all it must.

So that is my solution. it is far from perfect, but at least it tries to really tackle the problem in a common sense way.

I thank you for your time...

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